At Idea Chíc, we believe that saying thank you once a day can change your life.
That’s why we’ve taken the time to create such a large and beautiful selection of thank you cards and have even designed a special line of greeting cards just for those thinking-of-you moments.
Research shows that writing down what you are grateful for has both mental and physical health benefits. Expressing gratitude is linked to more consistent optimism, better sleep at night, fewer visits to the doctor, and improved heart health.
In other words, the gratitude glow is real.
It only makes sense that you’d feel brighter and more cheerful when you’re focusing on the positives! And with that, we’d like to invite you to join in our #GratitudeGlow challenge.
The #GratitudeGlow challenge allows you to experience the health benefits of thankfulness while making someone you admire feel special and appreciated. The bonus is that it also fills our social newsfeeds with meaningful content once more!
We challenge you to:
Let’s bring intentionality back to gratitude — and feel great about it, too.