Studies show teens are becoming more and more disengaged from those around them. But it’s not just teens - it’s all of us.
We are glued to our gadgets. How else are we to keep up with friends and family far away, especially during a pandemic?
More and more research shows that though useful for keeping us connected to loved ones and our community, obsessive screen time can also be detrimental to our mental health. Studies demonstrate that social media is not just addictive, but spreads emotion (both positive and negative), too.
At Idea Chíc, we believe in the virtue of slowing down and spending time in the mysterious, wonder-filled non-screen world. It’s important to detox from the highlight reel every now and then. If you or a loved one are on the hunt for some new ideas to inspire a break from screen time, here are five Idea Chíc approved ways to help!
Handwrite a thank you note 💌
Consider trading social media for social stationery! This year, we launched our first-ever #GratitudeGlow challenge. Research shows that writing down what you are grateful for has both mental and physical health benefits. Take a peek at our collection of thank you notes to see which one will make your loved one realize just how much they mean to you.
Play in the garden 🌱
It’s good to get a little dirt under your nails - and no, we don’t just mean from raking leaves and trimming trees! Chores are one thing, but planning and planting a garden is a wonderful project to let your creativity and nurturing sides shine. Even in the winter, you can make a fun screen-free afternoon by checking out some gardening books, taking a trip to your local plant nursery, and getting ready for your backyard patch next spring. (Plus, consider our darling herb garden markers if you plan to make a garden with some yummy eatery!)
Check ‘getting organized’ off your to-do list ✔️
Redecorating your workspace is a great way to take a break from screens. Collage a vision board with old magazines and inspo from your favorite brands, then rearrange some furniture and see how the new feng shui ushers in a creative muse. (And, we’d be remiss if we didn’t ask: is any desk complete without an Idea Chíc calendar or weekly planner?)

Start a family scrapbook 📷
We’ve become so accustomed to mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, that there’s now a stark something different about holding real photos in our hands. Picking up the forgotten art of scrapbooking is a great challenge for kids, teens, and grown-ups alike nowadays. Ask your loved ones to print their favorite photos out and to make their own page in a family scrapbook. Our Vintage Seed Packet Postcards make for a great layering with summer photos!

Surprise a loved one with a care package 💝
We could all use a little TLC this year. And, as we’ve said time and time again: what better way to break through the doldrums of 2020 than by reminding your friends and family who have stuck it out through the tough times just how much you appreciate them? Create your very own thinking-of-you package to remind your loved ones that you are here for them, just as they have been there for you.
How do you combat the temptation of screen time? What helps keep you and your family balanced? We’d love to hear your thoughts below!